You Create Podcast Episode #007 | The Drag Knife And How To Use It

In this episode we talk about the Drag Knife for the Stepcraft CNC System as well as the Donek Drag Knife.

The drag knife is an attachment that you can add to the Stepcraft CNC (other CNC systems can use a Donek Drag Knife).  The Stepcraft Drag Knife can be adjusted for various thickness materials and can be used for crafts, scrapbooking, vinyl cutting and much more.  It’s simple to change the spindle to the drag knife and you can use a program like Vectric Cut 2D to create the toolpath.

For thicker material, Donek Tools makes a drag knife that you insert into the spindle of your CNC (Make sure CNC motor is off!) and you use a special “Gadget” from Vectric called DragKnife Toolpath to create the Gcode to cut out shapes.  The Donek drag knife will cut thicker materials like cardboard and foam board and even materials like leather. It uses standard utility knife blades that you can get from a local hardware store.

The drag knife will expand the flexibility of your CNC!  Stepcraft has it as one of many System Attachments that you can use to create just about anything you can think of.

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